ABCEUM is collaborative work by ABC [Artists’ Books Cooperative] which re-imagines the museum as a book installation. Each room in the museum is a print-on-demand artist’s book of a different size and material. Assembled, the 22 self-published books constitute a variable floor-plan which visitors can wander through.
My contribution is the book STOREROOM. The Encyclopedia of Yugoslavia (the encyclopedia of non-existent state) is only covered in the white wrap.

ABCEUM, 2014
Edition of 20
22 print-on-demand artists’ publications
Various dimensions

Erik Benjamins
Eric Doeringer
Fred Free
Oliver Griffin
Mishka Henner
Tanja Lažetić
Jonathan Lewis
EJ Major
Louis Porter
Andreas Schmidt
Travis Shaffer
Paul Soulellis
Wil van Iersel
Duncan Wooldridge
Hermann Zschiegner

Project website: